How do companies benefit from integrating a corporate podcast into their digital food, wine and hotel PR strategies?
What is a podcast?
A podcast, unlike other content formats, is an audio-only medium. Simply, a podcast consists of multiple episodes that are released on a regular basis. Often, they’re tied to topics and inform or entertain on a particular point of view. What resembles a radio show by definition, however, offers endless possibilities and freedom. Anyone can start a podcast, and the effort is worthwhile for companies in the F&B and lifestyle sectors. As a PR agency, we provide insight into how this can work.
What are a podcast’s benefits?
There are many reasons to start a corporate podcast. One of them is the medium’s ever-growing popularity. According to a survey by Goldmedia (2020), over 10 million Germans regularly listen to podcasts. Often, they do so on their commute, long car journeys, to tidy up, cook or simply relax. The majority prefer to consume entertainment formats. For manufacturers of food, beverages or lifestyle products, this offers many opportunities for brand positioning.
Which format suits my content?
A podcast is a great way to publish topics – for example around F&B PR, lifestyle PR, but also social media marketing or online relations – in a completely new way. It’s possible to share the episodes on the most important streaming services or embed them on your own website with little effort. There’s no right or wrong and there are no limits regarding creativity. From interviews with a well-known winemaker to single speakers reporting on the latest content marketing trends to live coverage at events and trade shows, anything is possible. Often podcasts are casual conversations including joking and laughter. This makes people and the brands behind them come to life and the voices of the podcasters almost become something like good friends you meet with regularly. Except that these conversations are available anytime, anywhere.
Gourmet Connection’s podcast “Am Küchentisch”
With our agency podcast “Am Küchentisch” (At the Kitchen Table), we offer our clients an exciting platform to tell their stories. The focus is on informative, entertaining content and exciting storytelling. As a PR agency for food, wine and tourism, a certain feel-good atmosphere is particularly important to us during the recordings. The aim is to create conversations you would usually have with friends, seated at the kitchen table with a glass of wine. This is exactly how we came up with the name of our podcast. The only difference is a microphone on the table. With cozy lighting, homemade finger food and special wines, we create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere that we pass on to our listeners.
Podcasts as a marketing tool for F&B, lifestyle and travel PR
From developing a briefing to uploading the finished audio file, the production of podcast episodes can be quite time-consuming. But it’s also worthwhile in terms of press and public relations. It should be noted that a corporate podcast isn’t a direct marketing tool like social advertising, for example, where success can be measured directly. However, in the food and wine industry a well-produced and cared-for podcast can contribute to branding as part of a tailor-made PR strategy. Since people behind companies become tangible, it can lead to closer customer relationships, especially in F&B communications.
Four tips for a successful start into podcasting
1. Concept
What should my podcast be about? And in what kind of form? Most importantly, why should anyone take the time to listen to my podcast? Companies should focus on their own areas of expertise, such as food, wine, the hotel industry or gastronomy.
2. Equipment
Anything from low-budget to high-end studio is possible. One should invest in a decent microphone for recording, since podcasts aren’t always used as a pure source of information, but also listened to for relaxation.
3. Software
Regarding software, there are endless possibilities from free programs to professional ones. For speech editing, however, the basic versions are usually sufficient.
4. Publication
An external host is needed in order to store and distribute episodes. All common hosting providers usually upload them automatically on the major streaming platforms. Therefore, it’s necessary to write the podcast’s description and a short text about the respective episode as well as provide a cover image.
For us as a food & beverage PR agency, we instantly knew that we wanted to publish our podcast as an interview. And we also immediately knew who we wanted to invite as a host. Namely, well-known radio host, journalist, author and audio book speaker Martin Maria Schwarz, who we knew would perfectly present our topics.
We prepare topics for each episode so that both guests and host have a rough idea of what to expect. However, spontaneous conversations shouldn’t be neglected. This already worked wonderfully in our episodes with Christian Horaczek from Frischeparadies, George Henrici from premium cookware manufacturer All-Clad, Hanna Oberauer from Geldermann, Christoph Unckell from Hotel Rebstock and Anke Lederer from Tellit! design.
Once the episode is uploaded, it can take a few business days for it to be online on all portals. As soon as a new podcast is verified and published, each new episode goes online within 24 hours. Then it’s just a matter of spreading the news! Of course, classic PR work is suitable, but social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn are also important.
Added value? Yes, but please be entertaining!
For us as food communication professionals, the project “Am Küchentisch” is very important. We use the medium podcast to offer added value to anyone interested in culinary topics. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you have to develop a well-thought-out concept and prepare entertaining content, since podcasts are most often used to relax. If this succeeds, the corporate podcast becomes a valuable marketing tool and a special platform for personal stories and exciting interviews, whether in food PR, hotel PR or lifestyle PR.
Are you curious? You can find our agency podcast “Am Küchentisch” here. Or do you need support to develop a podcast for your food & beverage marketing concept? Contact us!